Thursday, June 13, 2013

Leah Lax for Israel: Jeff Flake should resign now! Will Carton warned A...

Leah Lax for Israel: Jeff Flake should resign now! Will Carton warned A...: Wil Cardon warned the Jewish Citizens about Jeff Flake (whose name fits him ) for his hate for Jews and Israel . The other day his  son proved Wil's point by making anti Semitic slurs about Jews on a public sight tweeter.  I believe because of his hate Jeff Flake must be forced to step down and the governor appoint another Senator who's family is not taught Anti Semitism. Flake should be sanctioned in the Senate and relieved of his seat. His son Tanner should be placed in Jail for hate crime taught  him by his parents  and the Mormon Church he attends. Mr Flake should take on full responsibility for his sons actions. This is worse then Wiener exposing himself in an indecent manner. The ironic part is that he hates the people he is representing which will do more harm to the state of Arizona if he remains in office.

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