Thursday, June 13, 2013

Jeff Flake should resign now! Will Carton warned Arizona's Jewish Community before 2012 Election he hates Jews and Isreal

Wil Cardon warned the Jewish Citizens about Jeff Flake (whose name fits him ) for his hate for Jews and Israel . The other day his  son proved Wil's point by making anti Semitic slurs about Jews on a public sight tweeter.  I believe because of his hate Jeff Flake must be forced to step down and the governor appoint another Senator who's family is not taught Anti Semitism. Flake should be sanctioned in the Senate and relieved of his seat. His son Tanner should be placed in Jail for hate crime taught  him by his parents  and the Mormon Church he attends. Mr Flake should take on full responsibility for his sons actions. This is worse then Wiener exposing himself in an indecent manner. The ironic part is that he hates the people he is representing which will do more harm to the state of Arizona if he remains in office.

Let's Take Our Time, Find the Right Leader on Israel Issues

Jewish News of Greater Phoenix Online 

Political campaigns begin earlier than ever now, as candidates vie to lock up endorsements and stoke their name recognition.

We saw an example of that on these pages just a few weeks ago, when Glenn Hamer lobbied for Jewish Arizonans' support of Rep. Jeff Flake's run for the U.S. Senate. ("Jeff Flake is pro-Israel, right man to succeed Kyl," Jewish News, Oct. 14, 2011) 

Hamer contended that Flake's past record of supporting Israel merits the backing of our community. However, we would urge a more careful, fact-based approach to vetting a successor for Sen. Jon Kyl, one of the staunchest allies Israel has in Congress. We have time, after all: The election in question is just under a year away. And making sure Israel has the best and brightest supporters is in all our best interests.

One such supporter is a business leader and U.S. Senate candidate we both know well: Wil Cardon, who entered the race for Kyl's seat just a few months ago. We have had the chance to talk to Wil about Israel and the conflict in the Middle East.

In a sentence: He gets it. Wil not only understands the need to aggressively, effectively oppose those who would seek to destroy Israel, but he also stands fully committed to the primacy of the U.S.-Israel partnership.

What we have heard from Wil on this issue are the words of a man who values Israel's freedom and autonomy and who will support Israel's right to defend herself from attack.

The Wil Cardon we know is a man of conviction whose word is his bond. He's not a career politician and he's not someone apt, ever, to flip-flop during an anxious moment.

He unequivocally supports the State of Israel and the City of Jerusalem as its individual and eternal capital. Wil supports a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine and he supports continued foreign aid to Israel because he knows Israel is the United States' only true democratic ally in the Middle East.

He is a strong supporter of the Iran Threat Reduction Act, as well as the Iran, North Korea and Syria Sanctions Consolidation Act of 2011. These two pieces of legislation will take great strides to help in deterring historically hostile countries from progressing in their nuclear programs.

Now publicly, Wil's opponent Rep. Flake tells us he is committed to Israel, but his votes suggest otherwise.

Flake voted against foreign aid for Israel seven times - five times in the form of "no" votes on foreign aid appropriations bills for years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010. In addition to those votes, he also voted no on HR 2764, "The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2008," which included $2.4 billion for military assistance to Israel. Flake also voted against the FY2009 "Omnibus Appropriations Act," which provided more than $670 million in military aid and $30 million in refugee assistance for Israel.

He also has repeatedly voted against sanctions on Iran. Anyone who is a friend to Israel knows that these sanctions are a necessary step to protect our homeland. Rep. Flake has been quoted as saying that he doesn't think sanctions are effective. However, we all - Sen. Kyl and Wil Cardon included - know these sanctions are a reasonable step in the attempt to curtail this dangerous behavior. We all know there is credible evidence that Iran is actively working towards developing a nuclear weapon. The United States must implement every option to stop Iran from achieving that goal and it is irresponsible of Rep. Flake to not support these sanctions.

This is a critical time for our nation as well as Israel. We do not have the luxury of putting leaders in office who hesitate on these important issues.

Jon Kyl has always understood that necessity; so does Wil Cardon. Both these men - unlike others in Arizona's political sphere - will not waver in the belief that a secure and safe Israel helps with security in the United States. Now that the election cycle is here, we must not allow politicians like Rep. Flake to distort their own record.

In 2012, we must elect a leader more interested in doing what is best for our state, our country and Israel than in furthering his own political career. We believe that leader is Wil Cardon - and we look forward to the year of campaigning that will allow him to prove it.

William S. Levine is the chairman of Levine Investments and a Valley philanthropist. Elliott D. Pollack is CEO of Elliott D. Pollack and Co.

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