Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Obama is now involved in elderly abuse.

I have been on my campaign on Elderly Abuse since 2003 when my mother in law was abducted, isolated and then murdered by her attorney guardian in Florida, There are laws that only protect the guardians and not the wards or their families.

Obama is now involved in elderly abuse.


Lawsuit: Obama's EPA conducted Nazi-like experiments on human subjects 

By Dean Chambers 
 lawsuit filed last week in U.S. District Court in Virginia by responsible science advocate Steven Milloy, of the National Legal and Policy Center, alleges shocking experiments conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency, under Barack Obama-appointed Lisa Jackson. Jackson is known as an environmental extremist who wanted to impose a “cap and trade” scheme on the country by executive order to circumvent Congressional disapproval of the scheme. The article on Joe Miller's site also includes information on the experiment from David Horowitz's Front Page Mag and also an article on American Thinker. Those are very credible sources.

The lawsuit describes the experiment as involving 41 human subjects, that were elderly patients with a variety of medical issues including asthma and heart problem, being paid $12 per hour to participate in the experiment two hours at a time. During those hours, they were breathing through a plastic tube, a mixture of air and diesel exhaust, the latter of which was piped in directly from the tail-pipe of a running truck parked just outside the building. The lawsuit says the subjects were inhaling directly into their lungs particulate matters from the exhaust called “PM2.5” at a rate 21 times greater than what the EPA is safe for human breathing. It reported in one instance, an elderly woman had to be taken out of the experiment and hospitalized over night to recover from exposure to the poison exhaust.

In an article on the American Thinker, Mark Musser describes the experience this way, “It has been recently revealed that the EPA has far surpassed the dark humor of blowing upkids and people on film that global warming scare-mongers promoted a few years back. In real life, the EPA has been conducting human experiments on people by piping diesel fumes from a running truck mixed with air into their lungs at a North Carolina university. The agency has ginned up yet another green crusade -- the lethal dangers of diesel fumes. They even had a gas chamber set up to accommodate the environmental research project that shockingly recalls the death camps in Poland.”

This was clearly an unethical and likely illegal and certainly hideous experiment using human subjects, on which Musser further writes, “Not surprisingly, the EPA is now in the process of being sued for conducting dangerous experiments on human guinea pigs. The courts will decide whether or not serious laws and practices were violated, including the international Nuremberg Codethat was set up after sixteen Nazi doctors were executed for medical terrorism. After the barbaric fallout of Nazi Germany, where many people were treated like experimental animals, the Nuremberg Code was designed to be an international governing set of principles to regulate the practice of human experimentation. The whiff of the Jewish holocaust is therefore unmistakable.”

An article at the National Legal and Policy Center also reports the lawsuit over this experiment.

The lawsuit alleges, “EPA parked a truck’s exhaust pipe directly beneath an intake pipe on the side of a building. The exhaust was sucked into the pipe, mixed with some additional air and then piped directly into the lungs of the human subjects. EPA actually has pictures of this gas chamber, a clear plastic pipe stuck into the mouth of a subject, his lips sealing it to his face, diesel fumes inhaled straight into his lungs.”

Another article on The American Thinker also covered the story about this despicable experiment.

The article on Front Page Mag reports the experiment as follows, “Milloy learned about the experiments last year, after reading about them in a government-supported scientific journal. In June, he filed a complaint with the North Carolina Medical Board, accusing Drs. Andrew Ghio and Wayne Cascio, both of whom were employed by the EPA, along with Dr. Eugene Chung, who worked for the University of North Carolina, of violating EPA standards of conduct in human research and the Hippocratic Oath. “During these experiments, the study subjects were intentionally exposed to airborne fine particulate matter (‘PM2.5′) at levels ranging from 41.54 micrograms per cubic meter to 750.83 micrograms per cubic meter for periods of up to two hours,” Milloy wrote to Dr. Ralph C. Loomis, president of the NC Medical Board. “The EPA also believes that PM2.5 is carcinogenic to humans,” he added.”

My commentary:

You have the story, documented by links to numerous credible sources, to fully document what is a shocking story. I just found this story, and it's been out there a while and equally shocking is how the mainstream media have completely ignored this story and failed to report it to the public who clearly has a right to know that taxpayer dollars at the federal level are being spent to carry out sick Nazi-like experiments like this.

Look at that picture, of one of the subjects sitting there inhaling this poison diesel exhaust they piped straight into their lungs, and ask who would be sick enough to come up with the idea, and execute such a sick experiment on human subjects?

This experiment was carried out by the EPA under Lisa Jackson, appointed by Barack Obama, who had testified before congress that she believes the particulate matter in diesel fuel is killing people who inhale it from the air. If she believes that, why was she having this poison piped directly into the lungs of human subjects in massive dosages, 21 times the strength her own agency says is safe for humans to breath in?

My guess is, the agenda here was to prove how unhealthy diesel exhaust is in this bizarre and sick experiment, and use the “evidence” to make a case for banning diesel engines and diesel-power vehicles.

But remember, it is liberals of the far left who say we should have more mass transit. And in most areas that don't have subway systems, mass transit means putting more buses on the roads. And guess what comes out of the tail-pipes of buses? You guessed it, the same thing coming out of the tail-pipe of the truck they parked out side that building to pipe that diesel exhaust directly into the lungs of the human subject in their sicko Nazi-style experiment.

I can't over-state, or even find the words to adequately state, how sick and bizarre and wrong this experiment was. ANYONE who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 and put this corrupt and vile Regime into office, tell me what you can justify and defend this sicko experiment? I can't see how ANYONE can justify this. But this is what you get when you the far left in power.

Elections have consequences. Think seriously about it next time you vote. We can't afford millions of low information voters, so help your friends and family members who are uneducated to know just what the Obama Regime is all about. Of course, reading here at QstarNews is a great way to recover from being a low information voter.

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