Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Larry Klayman Fights sleazy divorce lawyers, judges, magistrates and guardians ad litem feed at the trough of broken families

Activist lawyer Larry Klayman sues Cleveland family court magistrate Lawrence Loeb under federal civil rights laws for discrimination
Klayman Alleges that Loeb Issued False Findings To Destroy Him
(Ocala, Florida, June 17, 2013). Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and a former Justice Department prosecutor, has filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida (Ocala Division) (Case No. 5:13-cv-267-oc-10-PRL) against Cleveland family court magistrate Lawrence Loeb, alleging hate-filled religious and other forms of discrimination and dishonesty.
As set forth in the complaint, which asks for $3 million in damages, Klayman alleges that Loeb issued false findings of fact and viciously portrayed Klayman in a derogatory way to harm his personal reputation and career as an activist attorney and religious conservative. In an unprecedented 93 page singled spaced opinion, which reads like an ad hominem attack, it is alleged that Loeb mocked and belittled Klayman’s religious beliefs as a Jew who believes in Jesus Christ, and made a false finding that Klayman had “inappropriately touched one of his children,” when in the fact of Cleveland Department of Children and Families and the local district attorney had investigated these false charges by Klayman’s ex-wife and found that no such thing had occurred. Moreover, Klayman had voluntarily taken a polygraph test and passed, while his ex-wife refused to. The false charges are alleged to have conveniently been made by Klayman’s ex-wife only after Klayman had filed a custody petition.
As documented in the complaint, false charges of child sexual abuse have become rampant in family court proceedings, as they are used tactically by sleazy family lawyers and their clients. Despite this, as alleged by Klayman, Loeb, who is a liberal Democrat and a Jew, took it upon himself to smear Klayman, viewing Klayman as in effect a “Jew for Jesus” and a political conservative to boot, for which he took extreme offense. Importantly, it is also alleged that Loeb sought to make his malicious false findings knowing that Klayman adversaries would use them to destroy him in the media.
“In the corrupt and incestuous world of family law courts, where sleazy divorce lawyers, judges, magistrates and guardians ad litem feed at the trough of broken families, it’s high time that they be held personally accountable for their actions, as too many lives are being destroyed. I sued Loeb not just for my children and me, but for all of the families who have been victimized in the family courts by persons like him,” stated Klayman.
For more information contact daj142182@gmail.com or (424) 274 2579. To see the complaint go to www.larryklayman.com.

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