Saturday, June 22, 2013

Larry Klayman the Exterminator of the NSA Obama Rats.

In the last few weeks, I filed two class action lawsuits seeking redress for the widespread violation of constitutional rights to privacy, freedom of association, security from unreasonable searches and seizures, and due process in the newest Obama scandal known as “NSA-gate.” See
I stated earlier this week: “Now that the proverbial ‘cat is fully out of the bag’ concerning the National Security Agency’s and its cellphone and Internet corporate enablers’ massive violation of the constitutional rights of American citizens, the ‘establishment rats’ in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere predictably were sent scurrying to try to cover up their ‘NSA rat hole,’ by vilifying and then calling for the criminal prosecution of whistleblower Edward Snowden. Many of these rabid rats are of Democrat and Republican persuasions; they are the government officials, congressmen and senators who all collaborated to put the NSA’s illegal ‘Big Brother’ data mining of cell and Internet providers’ communications networks secretly into effect.
 “They also consist of the pro-Obama prime-time talk-show hosts of MSNBC, and Jeffrey Toobin, the legal analyst who also ran interference for the criminally minded Clintons during the late 1990s. These media apologists have miraculously developed a newfound concern for national security – having conveniently ‘overlooked’ President Obama, Vice President Biden’s and former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s wholesale and highly damaging leaks of classified national security information to boost the ‘Felon in Chief’s’ 2012 election prospects; one of which actually resulted in the death of Navy SEAL Team 6 heroes who were shot down by the Taliban in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan after the Obama administration disclosed their involvement in killing Osama bin Laden. (See”
But Obama’s, Biden’s and Panetta’s crimes and hypocrisy aside, now claiming that this massive violation of privacy and other constitutional rights is justified to combat terrorism, these establishment rats are in full spin mode. On many of last Sunday’s morning talk shows, they were present in full force, trying to divert attention away from NSA-gate, lest it implicate the entire rats nest in the patently illegal criminal conduct.
Then in congressional hearings this week, the head of the NSA, Keith Alexander, and others took it a step further and spewed forth more rodent excrement, claiming that the government’s massive data mining spy program foiled over 50 terrorist attacks, both domestically and abroad. However, upon closer scrutiny by WND and other non-compliant media and investigative journalists, most of these bold claims, such as the alleged attempted attack on Wall Street, proved to be grossly suspect or “imagined.” Importantly, no proof was presented to the American people that these attacks had been foiled thanks to the NSA’s illegal PRISM scheme.
Nor did the NSA or the Obama administration explain why more tailored data mining could not be pursued, rather than trapping all communications – telephonic and internet – of the entirety of the American people. This clearly is a violation of our First and Fourth Amendment rights of freedom of speech, association, and the right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures. The Fifth Amendment is also implicated, since We the People were not even provided, given the past secrecy of the NSA’s PRISM scheme, with an opportunity to seek to quash the Obama administration’s overly broad “search warrants” with the national security court, before Judge Roger Vinson and likely other jurists gave up our most private communications to the “Felon in Chief” spymaster and his henchmen.
So the American people were not fooled by this phony dog-and-pony show, no more than our Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were fooled by King George III’s wholesale violation of basic human rights in the years leading up to the Declaration of Independence and the start of the revolutionary war, when the British busted into our homes, stole our worldly possessions, taxed us into submission, perverted our legal system and, when we complained, seized and destroyed our weapons of self-defense.
The number of class action plaintiffs in the two cases I filed over NSA-gate potentially reaches over 300 million persons. The masses thus have the legal means to rise up and hold these government, corporate and judicial establishment rodents – which include but are not limited to defendants Obama, Attorney General Holder, the Justice Department, the heads of the NSA and the cell and Internet providers, the agencies and companies themselves, and federal Judge Roger Vinson – responsible for their outrageous criminal acts. These cases can be the catalyst that sparks the new American revolution, peacefully and in the courts.
If, through our class action suits for the redress of their grievances, the federal judiciary does not hear these legitimate grievances and take strong and just corrective action, and instead seek to protect the establishment rats who put them in power, then it could be 1776 all over again, as the people have been violated and raped – and they demand redress! Coupled with all of the other outrageous abuses of the government and its enablers, which in the last decades have been piling up and have become unbearable under the Obama administration, the citizenry is more than angry. It has had it! In the footsteps of our Founding Fathers, the American citizenry wants a return to a free country and is prepared to take all just and appropriate measures to restore the nation to its foundational roots before it is destroyed by these arrogant, power-hungry and lawless tyrants.


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