Thursday, June 20, 2013

Empty Seats and Obama is full of it.

Obama's stands behind a bullet poof wall speaking to INVITED Guests reading from his teleprompters.  Not your normal everyday people. Obama realizes he is now the most hated man in Europe and in the USA. No other President has ever done this. He might as well borrow the Pope Mobile when driving and waving to the crowds. Not everyone showed up who was invited, In fact there were plenty of empty seats sources told me.

Obama's own Berlin Wall! US President issues warning to austerity Europe from behind bulletproof glass

  • US President spoke at Brandenberg Gate in Berlin
  • Barack Obama addressed nuclear policies in US and Russia
  • Said EU leaders may have to moderate cuts to 'save a generation'

Nearly 50 years after John F Kennedy’s historic Cold War speech in Berlin, Barack Obama yesterday called for the United States and Russia to cut their nuclear arsenals as he visited the same city.
Speaking at the Brandenberg Gate from behind a wall of bullet-proof glass, the US president used the occasion to suggest a one-third reduction of American and Russian nuclear stockpiles.
He also issued a warning to the eurozone over the wisdom of austerity policies, saying the need to balance budgets should not distract from the ultimate economic goal of improving people’s lives.
Safe: US President Barack Obama speaks from behind bulletproof glass in front of the Brandenburg Gate at Pariser Platz in Berlin
Safe: US President Barack Obama speaks from behind bulletproof glass in front of the Brandenburg Gate at Pariser Platz in Berlin
His comment seemed particularly aimed at his German hosts and its pressure on southern eurozone neighbours such as Greece and Spain to slash government spending.


Mr Obama was confident Europe would pull through but said leaders would have to moderate their cost-cutting if youth unemployment went too high, to ‘ensure that we don’t just lose a generation’.
Mr Obama gave a more cautious speech than his usual soaring rhetoric – perhaps aware of comparisons with President Kennedy’s historic denunciation of communism with the phrase: ‘Ich bin ein Berliner!’
Rhetorics: President Obama's speech was nearly the 50 years after the historic speech by then U.S. President John F. Kennedy in Berlin in 1963, during which he proclaimed the famous sentence: 'Ich bin ein Berliner'
Rhetorics: President Obama's speech was nearly the 50 years after the historic speech by then U.S. President John F. Kennedy in Berlin in 1963, during which he proclaimed the famous sentence: 'Ich bin ein Berliner'
The crowd waves flags during the speech where Obama addressed the nuclear policies of Russia and the US
Great gathering: The crowd waves flags during the speech where Obama addressed the nuclear policies of Russia and the US
Message: The US President addressed EU leaders saying austerity cuts would have to be moderated if youth unemployment spikes
Message: The US President addressed EU leaders saying austerity cuts would have to be moderated if youth unemployment spikes

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