Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Israel criticizes EU official for comparing France Jewish school shooting to Gaza children deaths

Israel criticizes EU official for comparing France Jewish school shooting to Gaza children deaths

 Mar 20, 2012 – 3:06 PM ET Last Updated: Mar 20, 2012 3:46 PM ET
Pascal Pavani/AFP/Getty Images
Pascal Pavani/AFP/Getty Images
Soldiers stand guard in the Toulouse subway on March 20, 2012, 

one day after a shooting at the city's Ozar Hatorah Jewish school.
 The European Union foreign policy chief drew criticism in Israel on Tuesday over what Israeli leaders said was her comparison of the killing of three children and a rabbi at a Jewish school in France with the deaths of children in the Gaza Strip.
Georges Gobet/AFP/Getty Images files
EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton
Speaking at a conference on Palestinian refugees on Monday in Brussels, Catherine Ashton cited the tragedy of “young people who have been killed in all sorts of terrible circumstances.”
She then mentioned the Toulouse shooting earlier on Monday, along with a massacre last year in a Norway summer camp, a bus crash in Switzerland that killed 22 Belgian school children a week ago, the current violence in Syria and “what is happening in Gaza and in different parts of the world.”
Israeli leaders seized on her original remarks as an attempt to compare the events in Toulouse to those in the Gaza Strip, where children have at times been among the casualties of Israeli attacks on Palestinian militants operating in civilian areas.
“What gets me especially incensed is the comparison between the targeted slaughter of children and the surgical, defensive activities of the (Israel Defense Forces) that are meant to hit terrorists who use children for human shields,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters.
Ashton later denied she had drawn any such parallel.
“I am really saddened by the distortion of my remarks,” she told the EU parliament’s foreign affairs committee. “I drew no parallel whatsoever between this tragedy and events elsewhere in the Middle East.
“I condemn unreservedly the terrible murders at the Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse yesterday and extend my sympathies to the families and friends of the victims, to the people of France and the Jewish community.”
In her speech at a youth event, Ashton paid tribute to children killed in “terrible circumstances” and listed a number of tragedies including unrest in Syria, last year’s Norway massacre and the Toulouse shooting.
“When we see what is happening in Gaza and Sderot, in different parts of the world — we remember young people and children who lose their lives.”
The phrase “and Sderot” had been missing from the first transcript of the speech given at the event in Brussels organized by the UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees (UNWRA).
Ashton’s spokesperson issued a statement on Tuesday condemning the killings at the Jewish school.
“In her remarks, the High Representative referred to tragedies taking the lives of children around the world and drew no parallel whatsoever between the circumstances of the Toulouse attack and the situation in Gaza,” the statement said.
Hadrei Haredim/Getty Images
Family tragedy: Arieh, Jonathan and Gabriel Sandler were all killed in the shooting outside a Jewish school in Toulouse, France.
Meanwhile, French police stepped up the search on Tuesday for the gunman who filmed his carnage as he shot his victims at the school, fearing the killer could strike again.
Miriam Monsonego, 8, was killed in the Toulouse shooting.
Officials believe the scooter-riding gunman is a trained marksman with “extremist” views who may also be responsible for last week’s shootings of three soldiers of North African origin.
France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy has said racism appeared to be the motivation for Monday’s school attack, which came just five weeks before the first round of the presidential election.
Racist and anti-Semitic attacks are not uncommon in France.
Immigrants and Islam have been major themes of the campaign as Sarkozy tries to winover the voters of far-right leader Marine Le Pen. Analysts say the shootings could transform the election debate and possibly tone down populist rhetoric.
“We will track down this monster,” Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said of the killer on France 2 television. “We will find him, bring him to justice and punish him.”
Jean-Philippe Arles/Reuters
People observe a minute of silence at Capitole's place in Toulouse on March 20, 2012 to pay tribute to the four victims killed by a gunman at a Jewish school on Monday.
France is home to the largest Jewish and Muslim communities in Europe and has a history of attacks on both groups, but Monday’s shooting was the most deadly anti-Semitic attack on French soil in nearly 30 years.
The police tightened security at religious sites, raised the terror alert in the southern town to the highest possible level and talked to gun clubs in an effort to track down the killer.
“It would be surprising if he stops now,” one police officer involved in the investigation told Reuters.
Surveillance tapes at the school showed the gunman recorded his shooting spree with a small video camera around his neck.
He is also the prime suspect in the killing of three paratroopers in two separate shootings last week in Toulouse and the nearby town of Montauban.
“This shows a profile of the murderer as someone who is very cold, very determined, with precise gestures, and therefore very cruel,” Interior Minister Claude Gueant said.

SIRPA handout/AFP/Getty Images
French paratroopers Imad Ibn Ziaten, Abel Chennouf and Mohamed Legouade were killed last week by the same gunman responsible for the Ozar Hatorah shooting in Toulouse, police believe.
In each attack, the gunman arrived on a stolen Yamaha scooter and used a Colt 45 handgun. His face was hidden by a motorcycle helmet during the attacks.
The three dead soldiers included two members of the 17th parachute regiment. Police have interviewed three former soldiers expelled from the regiment for neo-Nazi activity in 2008, but a police source told Reuters on Tuesday they had been ruled out of the investigation.
At the entrance of the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school in Toulouse, a five-floor brick building in a leafy residential neighborhood, residents and parents left floral tributes and candles in memory of the victims.
A child who survived the attack spoke of his sheer terror as the shots rang out through the school.
“We were getting ready for prayers when the principal stormed in and screamed that there was a shooting. I panicked and fled to the old canteen and heard the shots, but saw nothing,” an 11-year old boy told France Info radio.
“I thought he was going to come in any minute and finish us all. Then I waited and waited and then my daddy came to get me.”
Schools all over France observed a minute of silence.
“This has happened in Toulouse, in a religious school with children from Jewish families, but it could have happened here. The same killer could have come here, these children are exactly like you,” Sarkozy said, attending the silent vigil in a Paris secondary school.
The bodies of the four victims, who hold dual French-Israeli nationality, will be repatriated to Israel on Tuesday night, Joel Mergui, the head of a Jewish religious organization, said.
The Israeli embassy identified the victims as Jonathan Sandler, 30, his children Gabriel and Arieh, aged four and five, and Myriam Monsonego, seven.
France’s Jewish umbrella group Crif welcomed the decision by political parties to suspend their election campaigning until Wednesday out of respect for the victims. Analysts said the killings would change the election debate.
“The tone of the campaign cannot go back to what it was,” said Dominique Reynie, head of Fondapol politics institute.
“The campaign was dominated by an aggressive tone and a strong degree of populist rhetoric. This rhetoric will cease because there will be voter demand for healing.”
France’s far-right leader Marine Le Pen is running third in the race for the presidency and this has helped to draw issues of race and immigration into the election campaign.
The centre-right Sarkozy has tried to attract her voters with a pledge to halve immigration and criticism of halal slaughter as he lags Socialist Francois Hollande in voting intentions polls.
Some analysts said there would be a discussion about whether Sarkozy has stirred feelings that led to the attack.
“There will be more debate, notably on whether the tension created in society by Nicolas Sarkozy and the UMP (ruling party) has not somehow provoked or facilitated this type of violence,” said L’Express magazine editor-in-chief Christophe Barbier.
Juppe said the campaign could not have triggered the shooting.
“Anti-Semitism exists in France, we have fought it for years,” he said.
“Nobody should try to benefit in any way from this drama, which is in no way linked to the electoral campaign.”
With files from Agence France-Presse
© Thomson Reuters 2012

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