Sunday, March 18, 2012

Christian Values

   Thank G-d he doesn't have Jewish Values. If he was a Jew it would be all over the net with those who are holy rollers in Christian Values.  Even a Good Christian in the Tea Party can commit a crime. Guess Jesus couldn't save him this time.

Tea Party spokesman 'raped woman after offering to give her a lift'

Arrested: Tea Party spokesman Michael Kobulnicky has been accused of rape
Arrested: Tea Party spokesman Michael Kobulnicky has been accused of rape

Michael J. Kobulnicky, MBA, President/CEO and Chairman of the Board of The National Council of Americans, Inc.
Mr. Kobulnicky has taught at the university level and also at the elementary school level for the Val Verde Unified School District. Currently he holds a Masters degree in Business Administration with a Minor in Human Resource Management.

Mr. Kobulnicky has been a manager for over 19 years. He has been responsible for a budget of $1.2 million for the Town of Apple Valley. He also managed expenditures and stayed under budget.
Mr. Kobulnicky is single and has five adult sons. Four sons reside with their mom and two of them are getting married soon. He loves to read all different types of books, especially books relating to the Constitution and our Founding Fathers. He is a Christian too.
Mr. Kobulnicky cherishes our Constitution and values the sacred freedoms we have unlike all other countries! His passion is to educate youth and adults concerning the Constitution and other topics and to motivate people to take action and protect our Constitution, country, and our American way of life.

Mr. Kobulnicky speaks on a number of topics. If you are looking to hire a public speaker please
The National Council of Americans, Inc. (NCOAM) - the largest educational organization dedicated to informing Americans concerning the Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights/Amendments, Declaration of Independence, and words of our Founding Fathers.  NCOAM strives to reach out to ALL nationalities and genders to unify The United States of America.
It is imperative to educate youth and adults since our schools are not teaching much about our Founders and our Founding documents. Also, they are slowly getting away from even teaching about the Founders and our Founding documents and what little is being taught is not very accurate.  
Founded in 2010 by Mr. Michael J. Kobulnicky, MBA.  NCOAM is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt 501(c) (3) organization headquartered in San Diego, California. Our CA state ID: 3251745
How does NCOAM work toward achieving its Mission?

  • NCOAM partners with individuals, companies, volunteers and corporations to obtain financial support and to assist in marketing our organization.
  • NCOAM partners with Non-Profit and For-Profit organizations and volunteers to help provide educational services to kids, teens, and adults that support our Mission Statement and Core Principles.
  • NCOAM establishes short-term and long-term goals to determine various methods of meeting our Mission Statement and Core Principles.
  •  Core Principles of the NCOAM as our Guide:

  • Adhere to the United States Constitution
  • Adhere to the Bill of Rights/Amendments of the United States Constitution
  • Adhere to The Declaration of Independence
  • Understand and live-by the words of the Founding Fathers
  • Live the Judeo Christian religion like our Founders
  • United States and citizens first philosophy
  • Live the laws of our country
  • One main language=English
  • Pride, Nationalism and Patriotism about the United States and being an American!
  • Capitalism
  • Conservative
  • Churches and other non-profits to help people and the world's issues
  • Peace through military strength as Founders wanted to secure their liberty
  • Assimilation=American not hyphenated (Unify our country)
  • Allegiance is to the United States of America NOT ANY other country
  • We only fly the flag of the United States of America and our state flags only and no other country (our Founders said, "no alliances with any other country.")
  • No alliances with any other countries or the United Nations. Our Founding Fathers said not to have alliances.
  •  NCOAM Expansion Goals:
    1. Short-term goal for 2011 is to secure a minimum of 10 companies that contract with NCA to offer educational resources for Americans.
    2. Short-term goal for 2011 is to obtain reciprocating website links with a minimum of 20 websites.
    3. Short-term goal for 2011 is to start clubs in 10 new states.
    4. Short-term goal for 2011 is to start 24 new clubs.
    5. Long-term goal to be reached by the year 2015 is to open a museum in San Diego, California with the purpose in displaying educational resources to meet the Mission Statement and our Core Principles. (eventually make plans for multiple locations in key cities throughout the nation)
     How NCOAM Will Achieve Their Expansion Goals:
    1. To reach our short-term goal of securing a minimum of 10 companies to offer educational resources for our website by the end of 2011 we will do the following: A) contact websites that offer founding documents and information regarding the founders and work in conjunction with them for a mutually beneficial relationship. B) post the websites of the resources we find on our website. C) keep looking for additional educational resources for our website and posting them.
    2. To reach our other short-term goal of having 20 reciprocating website links with other websites/organizations by the end of 2011 we will do the following: A) contact websites/organizations/companies with similar goals and purpose. B) explain how our "relationship" will mutually benefit each other. C) both organizations post the link to their website.
    3. Our short-term goal of having clubs start in 10 new states by the end of 2011 will be achieved by: A) calling and emailing various organizations such as: schools of all levels, churches, scout troops, political organizations, verbally mentioning to others, get referrals from people we contact, and any other type of operations and to inform them of what we are attempting to achieve and how it benefits them and the individuals they work with along with helping our country. B) we explain if necessary the documents we have on our website to help someone start a club and keep it going. There is a whole section dedicated to starting and operating a club. The club section explains why starting a club is important and how someone will benefit, how others will benefit and how it will help strengthen our country.  C) follow up with the organizations we contacted to see if they have any questions or need any assistance in starting a club. D) solicit key areas throughout our country to start clubs at. In other words, contact various cities around the whole country to make our organization spread nationally.
    4. To reach the short-term goal for 2011 of starting 24 new clubs will be reached by: calling Tea Party groups across the United States, promote at Freedom Works, and various other social media sites. Created a channel on YouTube called: The NCOAM.
    5. The long-term goal of opening a museum in San Diego, CA by the year 2015 will be accomplished by doing the following: A) contacting companies / organizations and explaining what we are trying to accomplish and the benefits of achieving the goal for our country and for them personally. B) hold various fundraising events to increase donations. C) contact different types of organizations to work with to increase fundraising opportunities such as: local magazines, political parties, physician groups, chamber of commerce, etc. and work with these varioius groups to increase our brand thereby increasing donations.
    Be a  volunteer to do the following and not as a representative of the company:
    1. Promote the website
    2. Start clubs at all levels of schools: Ex. Elementary, Middle School, High School, College, and University
    3. Start clubs at churches, etc.
    4. Any ideas?
    5. Not inclusive

    Read more: 

    A Tea Party leader has been arrested on suspicion of raping a woman at a popular recreation area in San Diego, California.
    Michael Kobulnicky, 50, is accused of sexually assaulting a 56-year-old stranger after offering her a lift home.
    The father of five has been suspended from his position as spokesman for the San Diego Tea Party while the allegations are investigated.
    The alleged victim claims she was walking home on February 25 when a man drove up and offered a ride.
    She accepted, but the man drove past her house and continued to Fiesta Island, commonly used as a seaside leisure area.
    The 6ft3, 205lb man then allegedly pulled her out of the car and assaulted her before driving off, leaving her on the island.
    She immediately reported the assault to police, who released surveillance camera footage to help track down the suspect.
    Surveillance camera: This video was released to help identify the suspect
    Surveillance camera: This video was released to help identify the suspect
    Kobulnicky was arrested on Thursday as a result of numerous public tip-offs to authorities.
    He is accused of rape by force, sex with a foreign object and kidnapping for purposes of sexual assault.
    The San Diego Tea Party said that Kobulnicky, a landscaper by trade, had been on hiatus since January and would be suspended until the resolution of his case.
    'Our hearts and thoughts go out to the victim,' the group said in a statement.
    Abandoned: The woman was left on Fiesta Island after the alleged assault
    Abandoned: The woman was left on Fiesta Island after the alleged assault
    Tea Party member Karen Grube told U-T San Diego that she was shocked to hear of the charges against her colleague.
    'This can't be the same guy,' she thought when she first discovered the allegations about Kobulnicky.
    The suspect was divorced in 2010 but was due to re-marry next month, according to U-T San Diego.
    His website details a conservative political meeting, the Patriot Voices Summit, which he was hoping to hold this summer.


    Read more:

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