Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Angry black fat women Michelle Obama gets sued

Judicial Watch Sues Over Michelle Obama's Travel Costs


The United States Air Force is being sued by a Conservative group called Judicial Watch over Michelle Obama's trip to Spain in 2010. Read our article on the Obama's 16 vacations: here.

Judicial Watch wants to know the passengers that went along with the Obamas to Spain. And they want to know the travel costs.

The Whitehouse's response:

"The first lady is on a private trip," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said at the time. "She is a private citizen and is the mother of a daughter on a private trip. And I think I'd leave it at that."

And Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch:

"That this lavish trip may be a source of embarrassment for the Obamas is not a sufficient reason to stonewall the release of records.
Evidently, American taxpayers were stuck with a sizable bill so Mrs. Obama could tour around Spain with her family and friends.
This administration, as a supposed steward of taxpayer dollars, has an obligation to disclose the full costs of the Obama family's luxury trip."

Mar 06, 2012

Group sues for Michelle Obama's travel records

By David Jackson, USA TODAY
Updated 1d 10h ago

By Nell Redmond, AP
A conservative legal group has sued the U.S. Air Force, seeking records about first lady Michelle Obama's trip to Spain two years ago.
"While the White House claims the Obamas 'paid their own way' for the trip, taxpayers were responsible for certain costs, including Mrs. Obama's security," said a statement from Judicial Watch, which describes itself as a "public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption."
Mrs. Obama and daughter Sasha took the trip to Spain in August 0f 2010.
Judicial Watch said it has asked the Air Force for documents on transportation costs and passenger lists, but has not received them.

White House officials said the Obamas themselves paid the private expenses of the trip.
"The first lady is on a private trip," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said at the time. "She is a private citizen and is the mother of a daughter on a private trip. And I think I'd leave it at that."
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said:
"That this lavish trip may be a source of embarrassment for the Obamas is not a sufficient reason to stonewall the release of records.
Evidently, American taxpayers were stuck with a sizable bill so Mrs. Obama could tour around Spain with her family and friends.
This administration, as a supposed steward of taxpayer dollars, has an obligation to disclose the full costs of the Obama family's luxury trip."
See photos of: Barack ObamaMichelle Obama

Judicial Watch Sues U.S. Air Force for Records Detailing Costs of Michelle Obama’s August 2010 ‘Whirlwind’ Vacation to Spain


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