Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Double Jeopardy...not the game


I was trying not to talk about Zimmerman and Trayvon in this election

I, personally, am not going to take sides since I view this as a legal matter that has been settled in a court of law. 

Let me tell you my story about my late husband. He was a Veterinarian and had a very successful practice in Philadelphia Pa. He had a client who had a dog named Nera. Nera was a vicious 110 pound 12 year old Doberman who would bite her owners. Nera had eaten a peach pit and cracked a tooth and had been  bleeding from the mouth for 2 weeks when she was brought into my husbands practice. My husband told Nera's owners to take her to the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Hospital where they had blood, since her gums were white and she needed  a transfusion. The owners refused to leave and demanded to have surgery on her tooth  immediately

My husband and the staff of our Hospital did the surgery. My German Sheppard who was 18 years old and retired from giving blood gave Nera his blood. As Nera was waking up and out of danger from the anesthetic My husband called the owners to pick the dog up. Let me show you how much they cared for their dog: instead of waiting at home for the call they had driven down to Atlantic City, NJ for the weekend and never left us a cell phone number or an emergency contact number.

I made  Nera chicken soup because she was over weight, spoiled rotten and would not eat regular dog food,  not even Caesars. I slipped it under the kennel run door and she attacked my hand. If you are not fast they call you lefty. I tried calling the owners on Saturday Night and all day Sunday without avail. On Monday they walked in during the busiest time of the day and said they wanted Nera. Nera had been attacking everyone who walked past the run and we warned the staff not approach her. A receptionists said the owner wanted Nera "Now!" She didn't listen to our orders of not going to the runs and on her own with the owner went to get Nera. Nera attacked the owner and bit his hand. The Owner knew the dog did not climb steps so he and the receptionist ran 1/2 way up the steps in fear. The receptionist left the dog loose in the run area and Nera was so excited that she urinated all over the cleaned runs, tore opened bags of prescription food, buckled the bars of the run doors and chewed the first wooden step leading to upstairs but the receptionist never told anyone the dog was loose. The owner ran straight out of the Animal Hospital shouting he would be back later.

After my husband was out of surgery and clinic hours were over, a Technician went down stairs to get a run ready for a dog who was recovering from surgery and  ran up the steps screaming "Nera was loose".. My husband could not believe that a  dog could opened the run by itself..The Receptionist finally admitted to opening the door to the run and neither she or the owner were able to control Nera.. I went down stairs with my husband and the technician with 2 rabies poles I had a cat control pole . Nera snapped one pole then bit my husband's foot through the shoe he was wearing. Then she saw me and went after me. I had a cat restraining pole which I banged on the step to distract her. My husband had the 2nd pole and he succeeded in restraining Nera . He then escorted her to another run. Meanwhile the receptionist and a female kennel person, whose job was just cleaning up the poop, cleaning floors and walls and runs but not handling the animals. The Receptionist was hiding behind cases of food  and the kennel person  locked herself in a cat run and was screaming at the top of their lungs for help.

Two hours later we went down to check on Nera and the dog was lifeless. My husband examined Nera and said she was deceased. We called the owners and they came for the body. Nera was placed in a body bag she had her collar on and a 1/2 of a blue lead still around her neck.

I fired the Kennel girl and the Receptionist right after the incident. The receptionist came into the office 2 weeks later because she had to pay her bill for a 4 leg declaw and vaccines on her cat. After she paid her bill she said to me "You are going to regret firing me". She had called the owners and told them major lies that my husband kicked this dog to death.

These girls contacted an Animal Activist Group who for 2 years stood outside our Animal Hospital on purpose to close us down, it didn't. They tried kidnapping my son, they beat me up on South Street of Philadelphia, and they had dogs attack my child stating my son should die because Nera was dead. The Owners wanted us to pay $40k for the dog plus have my husband go to jail for cruelty.

My husband was charge criminally for Animal Abuse and they brought charges on his licences. At the license hearing the Female owner stated she never brought any Animals to my husband before and has all her cats fixed at the SPCA. I had the records that all her cats were fixed at our place. She also didn't tell the court that the dog was diagnosed with Cyanotic congenital heart disease  the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School refused to treat Nera unless she went under a battery of tests for the heart, and that her local Veterinarian refused to treat Nera because she was an uncontrollable over weight Doberman Pincher . All of Nera's medical records from other Veterinarians  stated that Nera was vicious and uncontrollable and they recommended that Nera be put down before she bit another person or child.

At  the license court hearing that we found out  that Nera had attacked and bitten people and children on numerous occasions

At the trial the male Owner had Nero's collar in his hands with the chewed blue lead. Now remember, I said she was placed in the bag with her collar on and the chewed through blue lead. He said that he never looked at Nera and that he buried her in a field in Delaware. Those body bags are pretty sturdy and heavy (they were sealed with a lock and the key was given to the owner) since they are used to hold humans, for a collar and the blue lead to fall through is impossible. Every time we place animals who are put to sleep in a body bag as per policy we took pictures of before, during and after so there is no question of what they looked like and we had Nera's pictures.

Before the trials our attorneys told us no statements. After the trial when my husband was exonerated. no one wanted to talk to us. However my neighbors who were Animal Activists put Die Dog Murderer on my house front door, the office front door and made this into a hate crime. The D.A.   was angry that she lost the case and refused to relieve us of this hate crime even though we had pictures of the persons doing this.

But my family was tried on TV, in the Press, on the Streets,  and in my sons school by his teachers and friends. But we are survivors and I fought for justice. We sued. the owners but they had no money and to make them homeless was not in me. We rebuilt our business then sold it. We moved to Florida in 2003 where my husband died in my arms 3 months after the move . He was still suffering from this ordeal even though he did nothing wrong and he innocent.! He never recovered from the trauma of the trial.

Now why am I telling you this? It's because the Animal Activists wanted to retry my husband after he had won.and The Courts found him not guilty of any wrong doing, The Animal Activists wanted blood.  This is Double Jeopardy. You never know when someone is going to accuse you of  a crime and suddenly you are tried in a court of law, you win and then they want to retry you because they insist their justice is mightier or better than the American Courts.Since when has mob rule been better then a court of justice?

I am sure I am going to be retried for my husbands trial from the other candidates but what I learned is I will stand my ground . No one lives in a perfect world and no one is perfect. There are closets that hasn't been opened yet and skeletons waiting to fall out.  YOU COULD BE NEXT!.

DOJ Ignores Jury Verdict, Trying Zimmerman AGAIN!

Barack Obama’s ‘Justice’ Department has ignored the constitutionally binding innocent jury verdict and is attempting have George Zimmerman tried again. Never mind that this is putting the U.S. Constitution through the paper shredder. Never mind that this is blatantly DOUBLE JEOPARDY. What matters is that in the eyes of Eric Holder, George Zimmerman is among the most dangerous men. Why? Because he’s a LEGAL Hispanic U.S. citizen!

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